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Governor of Maharashtra Inaugurates the Incubation Centre at Govardhan Eco Village

Mumbai – Honorable Governor of Maharashtra, Shri Bhagat Singh Koshyari inaugurated the incubation centre and accelerator at Govardhan Ecovillage today, the 4th Feb 2020. The collector and district magistrate of Palghar District, Dr. Kailash B. Shinde was also present on this occasion along with HH Radhanath Swami, the Founder of Govardhan Ecovillage and Gauranga Das, the Director of Govardhan Ecovillage.

Honorable Governor mentioned on this occasion, “The spiritual power of Govardhan Ecovillage and the prosperity and wealth of BSE along with the intellectual capacity of IIM Ahmedabad will lead to ultimate prosperity of India and not just of Palghar district and it will prove as a milestone. We wish that through Govardhan Ecovillage, message of serving the poor people in villages will go to entire India and to the entire world.”

HH Radhanath Maharaja mentioned, “Everything is the property of God, Isavasyam idam sarvam, nothing is ours and we are just caretakers of God’s property. Environment and economic sustainability should be simultaneously developed along with development of internal consciousness. On all levels, we want to present alternative models of life where we live within in a spirit of compassion and we express that in how we truly care for humanity, environment and all living beings.”

The Incubation centre and accelerator plays critical role in nurturing business ideas into starts up and then established companies. GEV is tying up with the leaders in the field – CIIE at IIM Ahmedabad, the leading incubator in India and BSE Zone startups, a recent but fast paced initiative at BSE Samman, to start this incubation centre and accelerator.

Gauranga Das mentioned, “Across the world the incubation centres and accelerators are not focusing so much on the problems of sustainability with respect to economic, social and environment upliftment of people and planet. The differentiation which GEV will bring here is in the purpose of the centre, which will be sustainable development with tribal region entrepreneurs. The focus of incubation centre would be 4W’s- Water, Waste, Wellbeing backed by Wisdom. The centre will empower students from tier II and tier III cities and Rural villages.”

The centre will help in collaboration of internationally renowned mentors along with local available experts who have deep knowledge in indigenous technologies. In this way, the centre will facilitate business and entrepreneurship along with creating sustainable solutions.


Key features of this incubator are empowering students from tier-II and tier III cities and rural villages, blending Vedic wisdom with contemporary technology to bring out pragmatic sustainable solutions, making available internationally renowned mentors and local available experts for local challenges and teaming local startups with international startup to work out amazing business ventures.

The incubator will be providing all the support needed as accommodation, network, mentoring, state of art co-workspace, innovation lab well equipped with technology, connect for support from governmental authorities. All international facilities will be available to work focused upon local challenges. To start with our objective is to make Palghar an Adarsh district addressing all its problems with startups working on its challenges.

GEV has modeled Eco community and with our hub and spoke model we aim to expand this community now in spirit with our principles for a better common future of World and greater good.